Welcome to Fire Rising Integrative Coaching

Refresh your energy. Recharge your career. Reclaim your life.

Is this you?

  • You’re always tired. You just don’t have the energy that you used to have.

  • Your mind wonders or you have brain fog often.

  • You aren’t excited about work. The career you used to be enthusiastic about is now just a job; that you secretly dread.

  • You have a never ending to do list. You think next week, I’ll do better.

  • You’ve tried therapy, exercise, time management, and so much more. But nothing sticks.

  • You’re experiencing empathic distress from a never ending bad news cycle.

  • You’re worried that you may be disappointing the important people in your life.

  • You want to make a change but don’t know where to start.

  • refresh your energy

    Virtual or in person sessions to address physical, emotional, or energetic blockages that are stored in your body.

  • recharge your career

    Traditional career coaching focused on burnout recovery, career transitions, or leadership development.

  • reclaim your life

    A customized program using advanced integrative tools for spirit, mind, body, and career success.